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작성일 : 19-07-03 10:18
Orbit3 Support Pack for Windows : Orbit3SPW(1.7.9).exe
 글쓴이 : HANSE
조회 : 3,333  
   orbit3_support_pack_for_windows.exe (50.2M) [11] DATE : 2019-07-03 10:18:08

Orbit3 Support Pack for Windows

2019/05/17일자 가장 최신 Version Driver 입니다.

Ver : 1.7.5
신제품들 모두 호환되는 Driver 및 Demo Program 입니다.

단, PCI Card는 적용 되지 않습니다.

----- Change Log -----
1.7.9 Updates to PIM Firmware, Utility and Documentation to include support for CC-Link protocol.
1.7.8 Update to include Orbit GCS launcher and remove Orbit Measure Lite
1.7.7 USBIM Firmware and OrbitLibrary update to improve ApplyRemap address range.
1.7.6 Library update for WCM
1.7.5 Air Gauge utility enhanced to cater for firmware update that expands mastered range.